Hey folks!

I have a list of links on the left side column, but seeing how I have so much energy (and time right now thanks to a few vacation days), I decided to give a little info of why I chose to list those links.  :)

This is a great place to get a lot of HCG info.  It has a wealth of information and it's not trying to sell you anything, so you are not getting a sales pitch version of info.

You can read the Dr Simeon's Pounds To Inches Protocol manuscript, check for places to find clinics in your area or online, and on and on.  It does have a lot of google ads, so if you decide you want to order HCG, don't pick a place based on a google ad there, but instead, go to the forum there (my next link) and do searches there for recommended places to buy.  It is also important to decide if you are going to do homeopathic HCG drops(HHCG), RX HCG drops, or RX HCG injections, and this place has a lot of info to help you decide.

While doing research, I found this great video about HCG, why it works, how it works etc.  I actually almost used this HCG center, but at the last minute decided against it, as it adds a shake a day, oil, and supplements to the diet, which is not original protocol.  But the video is the best I have seen to explain how HCG works, why it works, what happens to the fat cells as fat is reduced and replaced with water then shrink, hence the importance of water.

I can not recommend the center simply because I have not used them, but that is not to say it's not a great place to use for your HCG center if you choose to go through a Dr.  They are actually one of the best prices I have seen for a center and they will do online/phone consult and RX.  But I also don't know how much is added on to that great price for their supplements/shakes, or if those things are optional if you want to stick to the original protocol.

But the video is a must watch for those wanting to know about how HCG works, just remember that when they talk about shakes and supplements that it is not part of the original protocol.  And if you decide to check out the center, check into their reason for the supplements, cost, and results they have seen using their own tweak of the original protocol, and if their supplements/shakes are optional if you want to stick to the original protocol.

This is my FAV HCG forum, and trust me, I have checked a bunch out.  (I am a research queen haha).  This place is very active, lots of experienced HCG-ers who are very kind and helpful.  There are people who are doing homeopathic (HHCG), HCG drops and injections.  Other forums tend to have all of one type.

There are several threads directed at newcomers, so use the search option and search for newcomer in the title and read those before you start asking questions  That will get you more informed to ask better questions and at the same time, cut down on re-posts of the same questions.

In case you can't tell, I LOVE this place and highly recommend it.

This is actually a low carb forum, but they do have threads for HCG by month, and a nice HCG recipe thread.  (use the search option to find the HCG threads).  The group in the HCG threads are very helpful and kind, and I do check in there daily, but because they don't have their own sub-category, the thread moves very fast and is hard for my brain  (and time constraints) to follow it without sub-categories.

I did notice that there are some threads where HCG was attacked by some of the low-carbers, so perhaps that's why they stay to themselves. (Kinda ironic in my opinion, as low carb is often attacked so to turn around and be critical of others non-conventional choice was kinda odd)  I read a some of them, but honestly don't care to look at them again as it was a waste of time and irritating, but that is your choice if you want to see some of the criticism and the responses to it.

Anyway, in my opinion, it's worth checking out to see if you click with the gang there, they are nice folks.

First of all let me say that going to a clinic or through one via internet will give you DR supervision, but will be more costly than ordering on your own.  Some choose to go the first round through a clinic for the supervision.  I almost did, but after much research, chose to do it on my own.  I also choose to do HCG injections rather than homeopathic drops(HHCG), to stick to the original protocol as much as possible.  Many have reported good results with HHCG.  I have not posted any links to HHCG sites as I am not experienced with it.

If you are going the non homeopathic route, and on your own rather than through a clinic, this is the place to go.  I got my HCG kit in 3 days.  Bob and his wife have lost a lot using HCG and now help others out by selling it and other health products.  The instructions for mixing were very thorough and easy.  Bob is a trucker and is on the road sometimes, but I got email responses very quickly from both him and his wife.  They have a forum there that does have some good info, but it is not very active.  So I would recommend if you have a question, email them.  There are also a lot of folks on the hcgdiet forum mentioned above that are using his product so you can get info there if you are needing immediate response to a question like mixing, usage, etc.

NOTE - They ship 5000IU amps, which will last 21 days.  Many recommend that you mix every 10 days as HCG loses potency over time.  So, if you want 2000IU amps so you can mix more often, contact him for the price difference of shipping those instead.  I didn't know about that before I ordered, so I am using the 5000IU as per mixing instructions, but throwing out after 10 days and have ordered more 2000IU to finish this round.

If this is your first round and you are nervous about mixing and such, this would be a good place to start, rather than ordering separately on your own, as you order from one place and can get questions answered.  This is what I did, but am now confident enough to order from other places on my own to save even more money.  It's also a good place to order if you need it quick as it is in the good ol USA.

If you decide to get your product from other than Bob, you will need to order the HCG in one place, and your supplies in another. This place has all the supplies in one place, at a decent price, with decent shipping charges and delivery time.  You can get things cheaper than here, if you are willing to shop around and pay shipping charges at more than one place, but it was worth it for me to get it all in one place.

If doing injections you will need to order the following:
Vials - I choose 20 ml as I am going to mix 2000IU with 10ml bac water for a 10 day supply of 200IU
Alcohol Prep Pads
Bacteriostatic Water
Insulin Syringe with Needle, 29 G X 1/2" 1 CC
Shipping was $9.95 for USPS PRIORITY

NOTE: You can also order a mixing syringe for each mix, but I am going to try to use the injection syringes to save money.  It will take more patience and time to mix, and havent tried it yet.  So if it is to much of a pain I will add that to the list haha.

This is where many are ordering from (I haven't yet) and is one of the cheaper places to order from.  It takes 2-3 weeks to get as it is shipped from India.  It's a little over $9.00 for a 2000IU amp.  I think someone said the shipping is $20, so order what you think you will need for your rounds at once to take advantage of one shipping charge.  Unless you are just starting and don't want to invest a lot until you have tried it out and are confident you want to proceed with multiple rounds.

NOTE: I have ordered from another company with even cheaper prices, but is new to the scene.  So until I recieve my product and have an opinon on them, I will not list them as a recommended link.  But if they are good, then I will add them here.

I LOVE this thing.  By plugging in your start date, it calcs your end dates for P2,P3,P4.  It has 21 day and 40 day protocal sheets.  It has a place for your measurments, summaries by weeks, etc.  It has everything you need to track your progress.

HINT:  I copied the 40 day sheet multiple times as I am planning on doing multiple rounds.  Plugged in my start date, then took the end date of P3 as my start date in the copied sheet and waalaaa, I had my dates planned out for all the rounds I am planning.

When you get into P3 you are going to minimize starches and sugars.  I have used this place for years for low carb foods.   I get my Waldon Farms, low carb tortilla shells, low carb muffin mix, protein shakes, and stevia products from here.

They have cheap prices, lots of different products with client reviews, and a flat rate shipping of $4.95 regardless of what you order.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any suggestions on other great sites to add to this, post a comment and I will check it out.

Have a great day everyone!

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